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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Surprise- I'm with Condoleeza!

Today I heard an interesting conversation on the CBS morning show- Face the Nation. The premise was that there were authors of some of the top selling novels and they were discussing their lives and their books.  All of the authors were born in the south.  Kathryn Stocket- the author of "The Help" and Walter Isaacson- author of the Steve Jobs bio and Condoleeza were all discussing their childhood experiences dealing with the segregated south. Of course the soundbite that was picked up from this conversation was that Condie was speaking about racism and said the US will never be "race blind". What she meant was that slavery was a terrible start to our nation and that we are gradually overcoming the atrocities but we will never be able to completely be oblivious to race.

I agree with her point and I have no idea what it like to be hit by discrimination.  But to me, the most interesting point that our former Secretary of State made was that our number one problem we have to deal with is fixing our educational system.  That is definitely the long term solution to whether or not our country will continue to grow. 

What can we do to fix education? First we have to make the classroom a safe learning environment. I work at a school that has tremendous diversity.  Many of the classrooms are over crowded, there isn't enough parental involvement and teachers easily get burned out.  On the other hand- there still are a lot of students that are successful and they learn above and beyond what is asked of them.  The difference in each of these classrooms is motivation.  Why will some students not listen or try?  My opinion is that they aren't able to read or think analytically and therefore they can't appreciate learning.  Why is it that happening?  The system allows for mediocrity to reign.

If you are an athlete and you want to succeed at your sport- do you succeed by getting to redo a losing playoff game?  You learn by failing and having to strive harder the next time.  The big new thing in education is the redo.  You should get to redo a failed test.  Does this help?  I my experience it does not help at all. The student will come in and retake the test and will most often get an even worse grade. I am an experienced teacher and about 15 years ago, I figured out the secret to making students learn about motivation was to never allow them to be hopeless-as long as they make they effort to try. I know of teachers that will give a zero on a homework when all the answers are wrong.  The secret is- as long as they try- they should get a 50 or higher.  Then, they have time to get to their senses and start studying more or learning what the correct way is to study and they have a chance.  It works.  I have students that range from 3rd grade reading level in 9th grade to AP and IB juniors and seniors.  Some of my 12th grade AP students were surprised that they weren't will to retake a test that they had failed. Guess what- it has taken a couple of months-but they are all improving.  They are going to learn how to study for a test.  They are going to be ready for the college class room. 

I will readily admit that I do not always have successful learning days in my ninth grade classes.  They are coming from a whole different style of learning at the middle and elementary levels.  Transitioning these students to the high school mentality is very challenging.  The thing that teachers need most is support.  Right now I realize that I can not write up a student that mouths off-because nothing will happen.  I feel that if the students had a real fear of seeing the administrator and if their parents would be angry with them for misbehaving (instead of coming up with an excuse for why they were angry)  would be so much better.  Why can't students be taken out of a class room if they are disruptive? Why do students have to be late to a class more than 7 times before any administrative action is taken? Those are the types of problems we need to look at before we start any other type of intervention.  That is my opinion and I hope Condolezza agrees because the at the heart of our problem is No Child Left Behind.  This policy looks not only at test score improvement,but also at how many students are graduating on time. This has forced social promotion and tied the hands of enforcing suspensions and expulsions.

I say- start with more stringent regulations as far as attendance and behavior and the rest will fall into line.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What were they Thinking?

It is time to comment on the whole Penn State fiasco.  Let me start by saying there is a whole different mind-set in the over 70 crowd.  Remember these people did not grow up with Phil Donahue or Oprah. They had the opinion that if you didn't talk about anything, then it didn't really happen.  I know because as a child I experienced this.  There was no threat of Child Protective services upon brazen adults.  Families handled, or should I say, covered up all their dirty little secrets. My mother commented that one of the women from her sewing club knew Jerry Sandusky and how wonderful he was. No one wants to face the fact that sometimes the worst evil doers have a fantastic mask.  Those are the people you have to worry about the most.  They have interwoven a beautiful lie on the outside.  They pull in their prey and before anyone is aware they have set their trap.

The press is correct that this is all about money and saving the face of Penn State. But don't forget the old saying- children should be seen and not heard.  I suffered both physical and mental abuse as a child.  I would go to the office at school and lay down with a migraine headache.  When the secretary asked if I wanted to go home I said no - I'll go back to class.  I had a close family member that was molested by an older man next door.  She never told me about it until she was 30. She never told my older relatives. They probably wouldn't have elicited that angry-enough reaction.   I don't understand this phenomenon and I don't condone it.  It just is what it is.

I feel horrible for the little boys that had to suffer at the hands of this serial child abuser.  The worst thing for a child is not having someone to protect you, not being able to tell and be believed.  Hopefully this whole incident, along with the Catholic church scandals will bring more awareness to importance of protecting, believing and empowering our children.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy news- Gabby is improving!

Gabby Gifford before

Gabby - after the shooting
Wasn't it great to see the shear determination that Gabby exhibited during the films of her rehab?  We all needed to see that touching story.  She is really an inspiration.  I also wanted to give a shout out to the medical staff that helped her along the way. My father had four strokes before he passed away. The first stroke caused him total paralysis on his right side.  His therapists brought him all the way back to walking and speaking.  They pushed him hard and he had a positive outlook.  That was the secret to his success.  One of his physical therapists actually visited him at home just as a friend.  That was extreme dedication. I applaud the medical staff that helped Gabby regain her speech and her mobility.
You all know how I dislike guns.  Thank god we have someone that has fought back from a terrible tragedy.  I hope that some of the families of the victims can derive a ray of hope from Gabby's story.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet and hold the Greece

I have to say that I wish I had the courage to join forces with the people that are protesting all around the country.  I think that it has brought the light to the fact that there is a terrible inequality among the lowly 99% of our population.  I have often said that it is very unfair that my father was able to manage a middle class family on one salary, while most of us have to have two incomes to live at the same level of comfort.  I also get annoyed with the folks that want to put the protesters down by calling them unemployed and slacker hippies. Lets face it - there are plenty of good hard-working people that have lost their jobs in the last couple of years.  They are angry because they have tried to find another job and they can't get a break.  I admire their tenacity.  I realize that some of the protesters haven't behaved well and probably need to be arrested.  The overall majority of people have been peaceful and have lived in very difficult conditions to make their point.  Also- when the police overreact and that is shown on the news- how does that make our country look in comparison to Egypt or Libya? 

I find it distressing that one country, namely Greece, could hold our financial testicles in their greedy little apathetic hands.  They have been on the edge of bankruptcy for several years and their leaders haven't really reacted quick enough.  They keep borrowing and not paying back their debts. Does that sound familiar? The difference is that their upper class isn't only 1%- their middle class has lived a pretty cushy lifestyle. Isn't it ironic that the ancient Greeks were among some worlds most  intelligent philosophers and today their government  is about to bring down the world's economy. 

Normal people are tired of taking the fall for all the rich assholes in the world.  The people that pay the highest tax percentages are not the rich. The banks get bailed out and then in one short year show record profits.  Do they pass that on by investing in more small businesses or hiring more employees? No- Bank(Skank) of America, is about the let go a record number of employees.  Our economy is coming back very slowly due to the banks failure to invest in new business.

The last thing I need to rant on about is - why do the same people that comment on the protesters and the liberal media continue to vote with the 1%?  Don't they get it?  They are getting screwed and they still enter the shower and continue to bend over and take it in the ass! I just don't get it.  Can anyone explain this to me?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What's with kids today?

I have taught for the past 30 years.  When I started teaching, the kids got in trouble for chewing gum and talking too much.  I still had lots of problems with students, mainly because I was so young and I had no idea what I was doing.  I taught an eighth grade  experimental science called ISCS.  The students worked at their own pace and went to "centers " to gather their lab equipment.  I had to share a room with a teacher that had been working for many years and her kids were absolutely quiet.  My students were very loud and obnoxious. She had a "talk" with me at least once a week about everything I was doing wrong.  I also was missing the key ingredient to every "center".  I asked for things like magnets, racetrack, cars, super balls and never got anywhere.  After about 2 months of this- I looked in the other teachers desk after hours and everything was there.  I pretty much went home crying everyday because I had no money to buy things I needed and no one would help me. 

The next year got better.  I started the year instead of replacing a teacher in the middle of the year.  I got to order my own equipment and I taught chemistry and biology.  My students were very sweet and I felt a lot better about my chosen career.  I think the worst incident I had was a student that got caught with firecrackers.

Today the students often are well-mannered.  About 40 - 60 % of all the students have had good home training. Some are hardcore. They are mean, rude, wear their pants sagging (if they have a Y chromosome and dress like a hooker if they have 2 X's.  They are missing the guidance of a strong parent.  Parents are very concerned with being their child's friend or they are too busy trying to make a living that they ignore their kids.  These students do not receive proper nutrition, they stay up late on the computer and they never bring home any homework.  The county mandates that no student should ever receive a zero. Retaking tests is also the norm. 

As far as behavior goes- you can't write anyone up unless they hurt someone.  When the students are rude and despondent- you had best grin and bare it or else you will be reprimanded for writing up too many students.

Students are different in general because they grow up much too quickly.  Some are completely oblivious to the actual purpose of an education.  They need their teachers to not only teach them but also provide the attention they are not receiving at home.  As a teacher, computers have cut a lot of the work that we used to do.  For example, I would sit for hours calculating averages. Don't worry- the administration has thought of many new little chores to keep us busy.  I came home worn out when I was 22 and 30 years later and I am still exhausted on a daily basis. I really enjoy my job most of the time.  I feel that I get through to a majority of my students and it is worth it being exhausted!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Teresa vs. Everyone Else

Well- the first part of the reunion of the Real Housewives of NJ aired on Sunday night and it was quite a show.  Jacqueline was a no show and a war is brewing against Caroline and Teresa. 
Now -I love all the housewives of NJ, (except for Danielle).  I am from NJ and some of the housewives go to my beach each summer.  I have always loved Teresa, Caroline and Jacqueline.  Dina was my favorite. The reason I love them is that they are REAL.  They aren't very bright, but they are all about their kids and their families. They have outrageous husbands and they have the largest houses I have ever seen. Their vocabulary reminds me of home.  Teresa has her cookbook with all kinds of ingredientses.  Youz guys are as Italian as the Olive garden!
Last season the big fight on the reunion show started with Danielle pointing out that Teresa didn' t recognize the birth of her nephew.  Coincidentally this season's opening episode started with a big fight at the christening party of Teresa's nephew.
Everyone is ganging up on Teresa, does she deserve it?  To some degree yes. But come on-it is
Teresa- this is what we love about her. She lets her children run amok in the grocery store. Her seven year old daughter walks the runway and tries to mend the relationships within the family. She spends wildly, even though she is bankrupt. She flips the dinner table and throws Andy Cohen around like a rag doll.
                                Caroline loves to be adored by everyone.  She shys away from situations that could be controversial.  She wasn't at the fashion show when the infamous hair pulling took place.  She did stand up for Teresa against Kim G.  I have no idea who to cheer for at this point. 
I wish that Teresa could realize how shallow she appears to be.
She is still one of my favorites and I think she has allowed the Bravo producers influence her to do certain crazy things.
Teresa- take an objective look at yourself- you don't come off too great this season. You appear to be jealous and insensitive.  we all know that you have money trouble and your husband is kind of a jerk. Now is the time to mend your friendships.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

October is Bully Awareness month

I travel by several schools each day and they have this logo prominently displayed on their marquees.  Bullying is a real problem these days and there is no escape when the child gets home because they still get bullied on Face book.    I just found out that a 12 year old boy in our tiny neighborhood killed himself last week because he was being bullied at his middle school.  This is so heart-breaking. I didn't know him or his mother nor do I know all of the details.  This story never made the news.   I know that many bully-induced suicide cases have made the news lately- just think about how many never made the news.

When I was a kid I was bullied and it did a lot of psychological damage. I have low self esteem and I don't stick up for myself like I should. I do feel like I champion the little guys in the classroom.  I am much more sensitive to this issue in my classes,but let me tell you- it isn't always the students that are the bullies.  If the school system wants to stop bullying they need to start by practicing what they preach. The county office officials reign by fear.  There is fear if you speak out about issues.  The principals are afraid to stand up against the officials above them due to fear of transfer.  The same fear trickles down through the ranks. I know an administrator that was suspended for jacking up a student, sexually harassing teachers and students and he was transferred and promoted to principal.  What message does that send to the bullied students and teachers?

People who bully allow that power to replace something that is lacking in their lives. They revel in making someone feel lower than them. Isn't that what made the Nazi's so powerful?  As a parent- if you are the mom that gossips with your kids about others- you are part of the problem. Bullying isn't just physical- much of it is psychological.  Wake up everyone- let us stop picking on others to transfer the power to ourselves.  THAT IS WHAT BULLYING IS ALL ABOUT!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Modern Family

I think that Modern Family has been really funny this year.  Last year they were good-but not as funny as the first season.  The two episodes I have watched this year have been hilarious.  I love Manny. He is my favorite of the kids.  He is such a believable "little man". He has the same sort of personality of my daughter.  I love Gloria- she is such a hoot! Last week Manny said he wanted to be home schooled and she said in her over the top Colombian accent- do you want me to learn you some English?  Claire is appropriately neurotic.  Cam is so over the top gay. Lily is the cutest little girl.

The writers of this show are fabulous.  More importantly- the people that picked the cast got it just right. Last year there was a little too much interpersonal drama between the couples.  This year the chemistry seems just perfect.  If you haven't ever watched this show-give it a try.  I promise you will laugh out loud.  They deserve the Emmy's they have received.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

I am a Moron (excuse me a Mormon) and I am an American


Have you seen the commercials for the Mormons recently?  There is the Latino, the African- American, the red head etc. and they are among the amazingly diverse group of the Perry-labeled "cult" called the Mormons.  They supposedly aren't  true Christians-such as the Baptists are.  By the way the first Christians are probably most closely associated with the Roman Catholics- in case anyone needs a World History lesson.

Hey dumb-asses- what does it matter what religion you are or you aren't?  Apparently Mitt Romney thinks that he can't win the nomination for Republican candidate unless he convinces the American public that the Mormon religion is a main-stream Christian religion.  Give me a break, let us worry about who is going to be the candidate that will take on the real issues.  Mitt Romney has won elections in Massachusetts which is a very liberal state.  He has worked with both parties and passed a very successful health care policy.  That is what his campaign needs to focus on.

I think it is a shame that Mitt Romney's campaign people think that the only way he can win the nomination is that the American public has to be educated on what a Mormon person is like.  Focus on the issues and try not to appear as Bat-shit as the rest of your republican counterparts and you will pull ahead soon.

I also want to give a shout out to the protesters in New York City.  I am with you.  The truth is that if 1% of the people control the majority of the wealth and the deregulation of Wall street has made the gap between the wealthy and the the other classes grow tremendously in the last 20 years-then take to the streets.  I am truly scared for our younger generation.  They have gotten a raw deal with the crappy economy.  If you have to take out loans to go to college and then there is no chance of a college- level type job awaiting you, then I can see why you are angry!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Is America a failure?

Is this noble experiment that commenced in the late 1700's in danger of failing?  I say no.  Every country has its highs and lows.  I believe in President Obama.  I don't agree with every policy decision he has made,but I do feel that he has the back of the heart of America.  Has he neglected to poor as Tavis Smiley and Cornel West say?  To some degree, the poor people have historically gotten the raw end of the deal, especially in tough economic times. 

Has Obama forsaken the heart of the country, while trying to negotiate with the right-as Bill Mahr and Michael Moore would say?  Yes, the president has tried to negotiate with the right.  To some degree they are correct.  He started out his presidency with one economic crisis after the next and yes, he tried something novel- he tried to involve everyone in the decision making process.  Perhaps he should have just been a prick and took everything he could get his hands on - after all he had a majority in both houses for the first two years. 

People forget that even though he bailed out the baok and the auto industry- they paid the money back in a very short period of time. The problem is that the bat shit tea party has held up any real decision making policy to the point where there is absolutely no compromise.  They may all be on the same kickball team but they are using a medicine ball that will just prevent any one from getting anywhere.

Believe me, things look bleak right now, but if the indecision in congress continues the next 14 months, the American public will realize who is at true fault.  The tea party members have a lot of nerve holding this county in a vice grip and they will pay at the polls if they keep this going.

How do we get out of this?  Remind the bankers who bailed them out when they were in dire straights.  They need to make it possible for people to purchase houses.  People should not purchase homes that they can not afford. They have to do this in order for the recession to be over.  We need more home sales, more construction, more jobs available to the average citizens.

 We need to have serious education standards and require more from our children.  Parents need to value their children's education and actually be involved in the process.  We need to realize that college is not for every child.  Way too much money is loaned out ( and never fully repaid) to students that are not serious about college.  If a child has not made above a b average in high school-do you really think that they are going to be more successful in college?

Finally, lets try to support our president.  He is very intelligent and he has introduced a jobs plan. Historically it has taken at least five years to fully recover from big dips in the economy.  Let us give him our support.  Have you wondered why there are no excellent candidates on the Republican side?  That is because we are in serious trouble and there are very few intelligent candidates that have the balls to take on this mess.  Let us back Obama and I believe we will be able to come back from this mess.

Buy a house, car, wardrobe that you can afford.  Stop charging everything without thinking about the long term consequences. Don't go to college just because everyone else does- have a life plan.  And stop Whining!!!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Best lines of the Summer

There was some great television on this summer.  True Blood was especially enjoyable.  I have already commented on Curb you Enthusiasm a few times.  I also have enjoyed Weeds.  Here are a few of my favorite moments:  I apologize if I don't get them exactly verbatim-

1. "Fuck Sookie and her fairy vagina and her incredibly stupid name! "  as stated by Pam who had a curse put on her this season and was walking around with her face falling off for half of the season.  This was very funny because of her intense narcissistic behavior.  I think Pam is my favorite character on True Blood.  Jason is also a hoot-considering he is really British and plays a dumb -yet lovable Southern hick.

2. "What a sewing machine- for a seven year old boy? Are you trying to turn him gay?" 
  "I think he he is gay."  Larry David with his girlfriend after giving her son a sewing machine for his 7th birthday.  The son was screaming with delight and immediately left to make a Dorothy costume for Halloween.

3. "That shaking shit might come in handy- you and Michael J. Fox- that would be a fair fight"-  Leon to Larry about confronting their upstairs neighbor Michel J. Fox.6nbsp; Later in the episode Mayor Bloomberg throws Larry out of New York for giving Micheal J. Fox a hard time.


4. "Babe these are cops, I am a drug dealer, you are a murderer -  We can't all play on the same kick ball team."  Nancy Botwin to her son Shane upon finding out he has an internship in the NYC police department in order to get inside info about a competing drug ring.

OK- yes I watch way too much TV.  I am totally OK with it.  I grade my papers while I am watching and I am very good at multi-tasking.  Hope you enjoy!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The invention of Lying/ Idiocracy

These two films are two of my favorite comedies.  They both made very little money at the box office.  I always watch them when I come upon them on TV.  I think the premise of each film is unique.  They are satirically funny in a much deeper way than probably even the authors intended. 

The Invention of Lying stars Ricky Gervais and Jennifer Garner.  The idea is that no one has ever lied in the world and Ricky's character discovers he can steal and pay the bills by just not telling the truth.  He then lies to his mother on her death bed to prevent her from being so scared about dying and ends up being the modern day Moses with his "Ten Commandments" written on Pizza boxes.  I am certain that religious zealots hated this movie-but I thought it was really clever and funny.

Idiocracy takes Luke Wilson into the future 500 years from now due to a hibernation experiment.  The world has encouraged commercial beauty and wealth and discouraged intellectual ability.  Therefore Luke Wilson is the smartest person in the world.  I found this movie hysterical.  As an educator, I am aware of the "dumbing down" process.  Many may think this is just one of those dumb smell my farts movie-but I found the premise really on target.

I have been teaching for the past thirty years.  People ask me - what is the difference in the students?  The truth is there isn't really that much difference in the maturity level.  Ninth graders are still basically very immature with a huge difference in the boys and the girls. The real difference is that the overall attention span has decreased.  The students require a lot more variety of stimulation to get them interested in the topics.  The parents protect their children and believe every word they are told. There is less money allotted for education and teachers have to spend a lot of their own money in order to have exciting and stimulating lessons.  I can go on and on.

There are wonderful students out there that have been raised to be very honest and helpful.  These are just unfortunately out shown by the few super obnoxious ones that require all of the teachers attention in classrooms that are overcrowded. 

If you want to improve this problem look at towards the future. We need to invest in our children. We need to stop the shameless worship of movie and sports stars.  We need to have rich people pay their fair share of taxes and save our school.  Otherwise Idiocracy may end up being a reality instead of a comedy.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Why I hate Dekalb County School System

I was going to the gym the other day and I passed some protesters that were holding signs that said Dekalb county Sux!  I must admit I waved and beeped my horn in agreement.  Every year the teachers and students suffer while waiting to get enough teachers to bring the classroom sizes down to normal.  The students suffer because they have been put into the wrong level class or the class sizes are not leveled. One poor student in my class has been to 4 different biology classes in 4 weeks.

A teacher I know has 51 students in her class and I have off that period.  I have offered to teach extended day which means I lose a planning period.  I really don't want to, but I know she needs me to so I will.  The county will not give the OK for me to teach extended day.  So that teacher just has to suffer.

I know of another teacher that is already teaching extended day.  She never signed any contract for this extra class and the system is planning to get a new teacher for the  math department.  Believe me- they will give the new teacher this class and they will not pay this brand new teacher for teaching this extra class for the past 4 weeks.  That sucks and there is nothing we as teachers can do about it.

This is just one of my grips about our county.  Some lazy asshole sits in the county office and decides what hoops the teacher will jump through this year. And by the way- when they want something done it has a deadline.  There is never a dead line when the students and teachers are suffering.

I know of several teachers that haven't had air conditioning since the beginning of August.  We are in a big, beautiful new building- the window do not open. It is just plain criminal to put 40 students in a room with no air when the temp. outside is over 90.  Nobody ( in authority) gives a shit. 

Teachers are constantly reminded about being professional.  Would a law firm stay open if they had no air?  Would lawyers  be given 25 minute lunches?  Would they be expected to dress professionally when they had to work in 95 degree court rooms?  Think about it.  If you want America to come back as a world leader- we need students to learn.  We need classroom sizes of less than 36.  We need to allow teachers the time to actually be successful at their jobs.

Yes- every school has it lemons- fire them!!!!  If someone is cursing in class, being flirtatious with the students, not teaching the curriculum or not trying to be an innovative teacher- fire the bastards!  Talk to them as individuals.  Don't blame the whole staff for 3 fuck ups!

Yes I am mad and I am not going to take it anymore! So Dekalb county- grow a pair please!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Buckner's redemption

For those of you that didn't understand last nights episode of Curb your Enthusiasm- Let me explain.  In 1986 the Mets were in the World Series with the Boston Red Sox.  The Mets were down 3-2 and had come back  and were in the sixth game, tied in extra innings.  Mookie Wilson from the Mets hit a give me dribbler down the first base line and Bill Buckner made an error and the Mets won game six.  They came back and won the seventh game and won the World series.  I watched every game of the World series that year.  The Miracle Mets were the reason I was up at one every night and very tired at school.  My roommates were New York Met fans and if you loved the Mets- that was the most exciting time ever!
For those of you that didn't know the background- you may have been confused by the story line last night.  Bill Buckner was a terrific baseball player and he had one big error and that is what he will always be remembered for and that is a shame.  Also remember that at that time the Red Sox had not won a world series in a very long time.
Thanks Larry- I laughed throughout the whole show last night- Hysterical!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Guns don't kill people- people kill people-Really?

Well we just had another instance where a six year child was killed while playing with his mother's gun. I hate guns.  I understand that people want to defend themselves, but seriously is there ever a situation where a criminal is planning to attack you and they really don't have the upper hand.  Unless you are walking down the street with your gun drawn you really do not have the ability to be on the offensive.  Women with a gun in their purse aren't going to be able to get it out without a mugger realizing what they are up to.  If you have a gun in your glove compartment of your car or the nightstand in your bedroom- do you really have the upper hand?  If you have children- they are going to be very curious about this magic weapon you hide in the drawer and this just is a recipe for disaster.

Don't even get me started on assault weapons and hunting. 

Chris Rock has it right when he says- charge $5000 per bullet.  That will put an end to drive by shootings and reckless gun owners.  Then if you want to kill someone- you are only going to get one shot.  No innocent bystanders will get hurt. 

How many murders are there in the UK?  Canada?  They have gun legislation there.  The right to bear arms was written at a very different period in our history.  I understand that I am really stepping on some toes with this one-too fucking bad.  Let's not kill any more innocents!  Momma T

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lady Gaga- Fashole or Fashicon?

I admire Lady Gaga.  I think she is a genius.  She is constantly reinventing herself.  She has become the role model for a generation of young people that are "outcasts" and teaching them to love themselves.  I always loved Madonna in the 80's.  I think they are both very intelligent performers.  I watched the Fashion police this morning and there was a controversy whether to put her in the best or worst dressed of the week.  Katy Perry had a block of cheddar on her head- trying to compete with Lady Gaga the woman.  Lady Gaga outfoxed them all. I really enjoyed watching her HBO concert special this summer.  She is definitely for real and very talented. If you haven't watched it- check it out on HBO.  Go Lady Go!
I also just was reminded of her early performance on the view this summer.  They replayed it this morning. She wore her Chanel even on her piano!

The most entertaining answer of all time !

As a teacher, I have graded 1000's of essay answers. I got one today that beats every answer in the last 30 years. Enjoy!

The question:  Describe four evidences of evolution and give examples of each.  How did Darwin come up with the idea of natural selection and describe how we demonstrated that in our labs?

One evidence of natural selection is birds.  If you look outside and see a pigeon you'd think that bird looks small.  But really its common ancestor is a terodactyl.  Which is a pretty big sized bird.  Another evolution thats really amazing are homosapiens.  Its amazing to see what humans have evolved from like walking while bent over and now we can walk standing up straight. not to mention the technology the way its advanced since they had to use fire to light there caves we now have light bulbs.  The third evolution change is lizards which evolved from T-rex's.  An animal that was 61 feet tall evolved to something that's now, not even a whole foot tall.  The last but most obvious change of evolution is earth.  The earth's climate has changed sooooooooo much since 4 billion years ago.  4 billion years ago all the continents were together as one(pangea) now theyve all broken apart into 2 huge pieces of land and it use to be wayyyyy hotter 4 billion years ago but since the climate changed we experience times or periods of different weather.  thats a huge change of evolution right there.  Darwin came up with this idea of evolution of natural selection because of the massive change in environment and we demonstrated it in our lab because Just like cavemen did we changed over time.

I sat down and read this and wondered- did this student actually sit in the same class I was teaching in the last four weeks?  That was hilarious and yet frightening all at the same time! Perhaps he will become our next senator.  The scary thing is- he probably left class and thought- I nailed it! Momma T

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My lovely little Freshmen!

I have been teaching science since 1982.  Until recently, I have have always had mostly freshmen classes.  My school started an academy a few years ago and you couldn't teach freshmen unless you had them all day.  I still wanted to teach the upper level AP classes, so I had to give up the freshmen.  Now-like pretty much everything in education, the rules have changed and I have three freshmen classes.  They are small and cute.  A few of the girls have a tude.(attitude)  Most of the girls are really sweet. Most of the boys are in dire need of aderol.  They are cute-but hyper. It is a whole different world than teaching upperclassmen.

Two days a week we have a block schedule with 95 minute class periods.  That is lab day.  So last week I took them outside for a lab that lasted about 15 minutes outside.  They had stop watches(all a swinging), and they were throwing toothpicks on the ground and picking them up in 15 second increments.  One boy was all over the place.  I had to ask him to get to work three times.  He started on the 15 second pick up and then threw up in the grass.  I asked him if  he would like to sit down in the shade and rest. He was totally fine after he threw up ( and also before.) Back in the classroom- I saw a boy with tears in his eyes.  I questioned what was the matter.  The girl next to him said take him in the hall and asked what happened. He proceeded to tell me that another boy threw him into the back window and proceeded to choke him.  I asked if he was OK and he said his ear hurt from being jacked up into the window-but he was otherwise OK.  I proceeded to take the other boy to the assistant principal and then I had to go back and get the other one.  In the meantime my class of 34 little heathens decided to take the turtles food and throw it all over the room.

I blew my top on return and I think I may have uttered the shit word.  The next day they were really good.  I hope they haven't forgotten their remorse this week- I doubt it.  My friend said I should use the - I'm in menopause while yelling at them next time and they will be frightened.  I haven't tried that one yet- I have a feeling I may need it!

It is interesting the lab we did was on the topic of natural selection.  Survival of the fittest- will it be me or them?  Stay tuned.

The Tea Party's Last Stand

The Kingdom of Wasilla 2060

Hi- my name is Rogue Arnold.  My fathers family has lived in North America since before the revolutionary war.  ( That is the war where Paul Revere warned the British about our kick ass revolutionists and their tea party rebellion).  Yes, my great, great grandmother was the magnificent Sarah Palin. Fortunately she kept her compound here in Wasilla, because her home in Arizona is now long gone.  In fact there is no "lower 48" anymore. 
Great Grandma Bristol  used to say "when one door closes another one opens".  This is what happened to America.
The weather got very hot, all the crops were destroyed and then all the light skinned people developed skin cancer.  Fortunately, there was no more worry about the illegals crossing the border.
Life became very difficult and the remaining refugees tried to migrate to what used to called Canada.
There are no more countries anymore.  All towns are ruled by monarchs.  The kingdom of Wasilla is ruled by papa Trip. We have the last remaining fresh water supply due to the melting of the glaciers. Our weather is a dependable 75 degrees each day. 
Well- I have to run.  If I stay outside for more than five minutes the skin cancer will get me!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hey Teresa- is it a Hurricane or a Norwegian?

Well- I missed the Housewives of NJ this past Sunday and finally caught it today.  God bless Teresa- she will never let you down!  I think she said the best line since -Is Bitch Better? or even the table flip.  She was talking about the weather and she said a Norwegian was coming.  She meant Nor'easter. Now I grew up on the Jersey shore and I am well aware of the term.  We had at least one or two of these storms every year.  They usually aren't as bad as a hurricane-but they are sometimes bad enough to force evacuations from wind and flooding.  This just goes to show my fascination with the housewives of Jersey.  I mean, how these folks that are so not intelligent live in huge Mansions?  It is super puzzling and yet  fascinating! 
Some of my friends think that Melissa and Joe G. are the new heroes of Jersey.  I will not give up the title that hold for my favorite housewife- Teresa.  She raises 4 little brats and a super big bratty husband  and still has time to steal her moms recipes and sell them in a cookbook- BRAVO! 
My students are also fascinated with the whole Jersey mystique.  They ask me about the Jersey Shore crowd and I say- yes I did witness people like that growing up.  There were a lot of Italians at the shore. I even had a friend at college in Atlanta that probably was the original situation. But these housewives seem so familiar- I think I might have waited on a few of them and their families when I was young.
Hope all is well in Jersey after this hurricane blows through.  It has been a long time since we had a hurricane up there.  My angel sister picked up my mother for the weekend. Thanks god for her!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Dilemma- hopefully NOT a lemmon!

Image DetailThis is a picture that is similar to my new car.  I worked all summer trying to find the perfect car.  Unfortunately this was the year of the high-priced used car deal.  I finally settled on leasing a new car.  It turns out I will spend less and actually pay less for the car when the lease is over than I would have paid for a used car that was three years old.  I definitely am worried that I made the wrong choice in leasing,but I have a car that I am giving to my daughter and no trade in so the options were limited.  By the way- what color is this?  I say beige-the dealer says pepper-white.  I guess when you charge so much money for something, you have to make up some fancy color to make it seem like it is really special.  I still say it is beige! 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Coyote Ugly

I live in the actual city of Atlanta. There is no farm land anywhere near us.  There is very little forest area.  There is a park nearby,but it is surrounded by neighborhoods.  So imagine my surprise when I found out that there was a coyote outside my door on Saturday.  The coyote chased a neighbors dog. I am very glad that I didn't go outside with my little dog.  He thinks he is a bad ass-but he is no match for a coyote!  That is like putting Mike Tyson up against Carson Kressley!

How do you get coyotes in a condo neighborhood in the middle of the city?  There must be some crazy lack of food and water out there. 

On a funny note- I watched Curb your Enthusiasm tonight and the Ricky Gervais episode was a classic!  I laughed so hard.  Way to go Larry!  I highly recommend the Hero episode!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Missing Oprah

I sat and watched a marathon of Oprah- Behind the Scenes today and I realized how much I miss my bud- the big O.  I have watched Oprah since the 80's.  She is my hero.  I love her spiritual energy.  I have always admired her because she is genuine. 

I was asked by someone on the yearbook staff in 1989- who is the person you most admire?  I replied Oprah Winfrey.  They were startled, because she was not quite as well- known at that time but I think I hit the nail on the head.  Oprah taught me how to forgive myself.  She taught me it is OK to be who I am even though I am a fa-thlete ( Fat Athlete).  She taught me to understand how it felt to be a child of abuse and how to live with it.  She taught me to be a better person!

Phil Donahue actually was the first person to help me to recognize that my family situation was not just unique to us.  He had shows on schizophrenia and coping with a family member with a mental disorder and he really helped me out of my teenage misery and isolation.

 I am also upset that the Oprah show reruns were not played this summer.  I never could get home in time to watch Oprah at 4 pm, so I was counting on catching up this summer.  No such luck!  I guess I could set my DVR to record but I can't even text so that is just out of the question.

Oprah I miss you!  Best wishes on your next endeavors.  Thanks for being my bud for the past 25 years! Momma T

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Who is your favorite Botwin?

Who is your favorite Botwin? I love the whole Weed's cast.  Mary Louise Parker is an excellent actress. I mean who else could put their children in such danger and still be believable as a loving mother?  Uncle Andy is the eternal child.  He is so much fun and he is always falling for women that are kind of nuts.  He throws out his little gems of wisdom to the boys and yet he doesn't seem to be able to follow the path of wisdom for himself.  Shane is brooding,dark and super smart. He follows no moral code.  Silas is cute and a lot smarter than he thinks he is. Silas definitely knows right from wrong and tries to keep everyone from being arrested.  Little Stevie will probably get back into the family soon.  His crazy aunt has him for now-but you know that Nancy will get him back soon.  I guess my favorite is Andy- he is so lovable and yet a man-child.  He reminds me of someone I used to know that was always smoking pot and coming up with schemes to make money.  I am pretty sure that sucker is totally fried by now. That is the only unrealistic part of Andy's character. No one that smokes that much pot could possibly still be functioning at his age.
My Daughter and I watched the whole series again this past summer and laughed so much.  If you have never seen it you should give it a try. 
We are so hoping for a return of Conrad and Celia.  We also hope there are more episodes coming with Heylia.  She is one bad ass pot grower!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Emma Stone Shines!

I just saw "The Help" and it was really great. I loved the book and couldn't wait to see the movie.  I love Emma Stone.  She was great in "Easy A" and "Crazy, Stupid Love".  She has hit the big time in this movie.  She is the perfect actress to play Skeeter.  As a teacher- I wish that all of my students would see this movie.  I don't think very many kids have any idea what the south both pre and during the civil rights movement.  The little girl that plays May Mobley is just adorable.  Minnie and Abilene are show just the right mix of strength and obedience.  I highly recommend this movie.  I cried and laughed hysterically, while also being appalled at the hypocrisy of the aristocratic south.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

who stole Brer Rabbit?

Today is a sad day in Eatonton, Georgia. Someone stole this statue of Brer Rabbit from the Uncle Remus museum.  I guess they thought they would melt it down and make some money on the scrap metal.  Guess what- it is made of iron and isn't worth anything.  The natives are very angry at the theft.  I kind of think it is about time to get rid of this remnant of the segregated south.  As a child this story always made me uncomfortable- so relax Eatontonians-maybe this loss is going to bring you out of the 50's and into the 60's and civil rights! 

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Silence of the lambs

It is that time again. Yes, the dreaded back to school.  We teachers lead a truly schizophrenic existence.  You go,go, go on the treadmill throughout the school year only to settle in for 8-10 weeks of complete relaxation during the summer.

 By the way, kudos to Matt Damon for sticking up for his mom and other teachers recently during a Save our schools Rally at the white house.  If you want to understand the problems with education check out Waiting for Superman On Demand or Net Flicks.  There is no easy solution to the problems with failing schools.  But cutting the fat at the top of the ladder in the county office is the best place to start.  Other good ideas are getting very strict on discipline, getting rid of no child left behind, making parent involvement mandatory, starting ethics training in elementary school and making the firing of a poor teacher(the lemons) possible.

Good teachers spend almost as much time out of the classroom in preparation of lessons and grading papers as they do in the classroom.  Good teachers think of new and creative ways to deliver their subject matter, no matter how long they have been teaching.  There are so many hoops that the idiots in the county office want teachers to do -just to justify their own, higher paying job.  Why should you be paid more to work in the county office?  I mean you don't have any face time with students, you sit at a desk and think of crap to make teachers do that will supposedly enhance their teacher skills.  Guess what- you rarely learn  anything that is truly eye- opening.

Why do we sit at meeting after meeting during preplanning and do all the stupid exercises that are supposed to get us to delve into the minds of our students? We just sit there and take it. A faculty meeting should be a place where discussions take place and ideas are shared among the faculty.  As a lamb of the faculty you have to sit there and be quiet and wait for the the slaughter (or else).  One meeting I had this week actually had an activity that required some of us to "cross the river".  We were in a science lab room and were not allowed to touch the floor with our feet while going from the front to the back of the room.  I raised my hand and said- "I have an AARP card- do I really have to do this?"  Afterwards the idiot gym teacher, that got demoted for sexually harassing a parent, made fun of the women and how their titties and asses were hanging out all over the place while they were crawling over the tables.Why do we just sit there and take it?  There is such a culture in schools.  You are constantly treated like children and if you disagree you become the non- team member and therefore you learn to just close your mouth and go with the flow.  Isn't that what went wrong in Nazi Germany?  Think about it!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy Tail

I apologize for my angry rant yesterday. I have nothing against Jewish transvestites, I just was making a point about how ridiculous and particular some democrats are. You have to be so careful not to step on any one's toes that you can't gain anymore progress.  I just have a general disdain for most of our "law-makers".

On a happier note.  I just saw the film with the boater that came upon a humpback whale and got in the water with it because it was dying.  They realized that it was caught in a net and they freed it with a tiny knife over the course of an hour or two.  (somehow they had a camera filming this!) 

Anyway when the whale was free, it breached the surface at least 40 times.  The only possible explanation for this was sheer gratitude for the people that freed him from the net.  I have been to Alaska and followed some humpback whales. They typically don't breech very often- not alone 40 times within a short period of time.  Maybe humans aren't the only animals that can express their feelings.

I absolutely don't believe in the the right to human dominion over the earth. That is the the kind of thinking that will take us to the place where most of the organisms that have ever lived on this planet have gone- extinction!  I also am optimistic and I believe that we have the smarts to avoid this catastrophe.  The tail of a whale can teach us a very important lesson.  Humans can't survive on this big blue marble alone.  In fact- we can't even survive without bacteria. 

So dumb asses in congress- the next time you want to pass a bill that prevents the exposure of endangered species, attached to a "solution" to the "debt ceiling"- please think my of  humpback whale story!

Friday, July 29, 2011

WTF- Debt ceiling!

OK- we are approaching the deadline for the point at which all us regular people are going to suffer from another financial setback that is completely preventable but because of the stubborn assholes that run our government will probably cause our retirement funds to tank yet again.  I am so sick of this bullshit. I want to retire next year and do something else with my life but I will probably be forced into waiting it out a little longer to allow my money to come back from the brink.  Did anyone see the Too Big to Fail documentary?  Remember that happened during the last of Bush's reign when the Democrats controlled congress!

Why do these A- holes continue to waiver?  Because they all have money and can afford to sit on the fence pretending to have their stupid "principles".  And I am going to say it the truth is- there are people that look at Obama and can not make any concessions because they can not compromise with black man. Racism is the heart of all the bull shit going on the last 3 years. The tea party is one faction that will not commit to compromise.  They were elected by the same dumb asses that do not believe in evolution or global climate change.  Let me tell you pricks something- we have had debt for a very long time and wars are the biggest reason we are in debt. Yes there are intitlement programs that absorb a great deal of money and these programs do need reform. The only way that we will not be in debt is to tax the rich.  It just makes sense.

Don't get me wrong- the democrats are just as bad.  They spent years wasting time when they had both houses of congress and they didn't accomplish much. They are the biggest bunch of wimps I have ever seen.  I was watching Bill Maher two weeks ago and he had Marc Maron on and he basically called out the Dems because they are the biggest bunch of babies.  You can't do anything without including all factions.  "OMG- you forgot to include the Jewish transvestites in your last campaign raiser- apologize or the blue states won't elect you!"

I am so over this posturing.  We need a government that can govern in due time and compromise and make laws that are necessary to please the majority of the people.  Donald Trump is not the majority- but there are a lot of stupid idiots living in trailers that love him- Why?

I believe in my heart that our president is trying very diligently to bring us out of the mess we are in. I don't agree with everything he does-but I believe he has a good heart and he can feel the pain of the middle class and poor people.  I hate the lobbyists and the hold they have over our congress.

A-holes in congress, please listen to the "little people" and come up with a plan for our budget!  I personally have worked hard for almost 30 years and someday want to be able to actually have the money I saved in order to retire!

***PS- I do not harbor any angst against people that have trailer- homes.  Your personal income may force you to buy or rent a low- income dwelling but you really shouldn't admire people that are super wealthy and pay a much lower percentage of their earning in taxes- does that make sense to anyone out there?

Thursday, July 28, 2011


I was fortunate to have the greatest daddy.  He passed away on Christmas eve of 2007 and was in very bad health for six years before he passed away.  Yesterday I went to my best friend's dads funeral ( Mr. B).  He was buried on my dad's birthday and my dad passed away on Mr.B's birthday.  I was very impressed with all of Mr. B's accomplishments.  He was a wonderful father of four very accomplished children and also had  four terrific grandchildren.  He was a retired  career military officer.  He was very religious and instilled his core values with love instead of terror. 

My Dad was the same. He was very religious and he had a tough upbringing during the depression.  He really raise his mother and his mom and dad divorced in the 1930's- which was practically  unheard of at that time. His mom was an alcoholic and he and his sister learned early how to fend for themselves. He turned to sports and was a top high school athlete playing football, basketball and baseball.  He played football against George Blanda at a neighboring high school.  I believe George Bland holds the record for the oldest pro football player.  Those coal- miner kids came from very tough stock.

My dad turned 18 on July 27, 1945 and enlisted in the army.  He fortunately went through basic training and was about to be shipped off to Japan, when the war ended and he was among the first Americans to go to Hiroshima and witness the devastation caused by a hydrogen bomb. He served his 2 years and was about to reenlist to go to Korea and decided to come home and go to college.  That was a fortunate choice because all of his army buddies that went to Korea did not return.

He became a teacher and later a guidance counsellor.  He worked on developing schedules for a high school that had 600-700 students per class and before the computer he did all the schedules by hand.  His students loved him as did my sister and I.  He was a really loving parent. Just as he took care of his alcoholic mom, he also was charged with caring for a schizophrenic wife. He had a good heart and even though he could have left the dysfunction, he stuck it out. 

During the last six years of his life, I watched him deteriorate.  He maintained a positive attitude and I came to visit him as often as I could. I treasure the time I got to spend with him and I learned so much about his childhood and his inner thoughts.  We had fun together and I called him every day.  I miss his voice and a really miss that cheering greeting I got each day.  I have no one that I can call every single day, that wouldn't get sick of hearing my voice. He was the greatest and I was so lucky to have one parent that treasured my existence.

We threw him a party when he turned eighty and one of his former students came up to me and said- your dad saved my life.  He explained he was lost in high school and was about to enlist to go to Vietnam.  My dad looked at his grades and convinced him to go to college and he became a high schoolteacher and coach.  He said that none of the guys he knew that went to Vietnam came back.  My dad let him know he believed in him and also saved him.

Mr. B and my dad lived separate but similar lives.  Mr. B was black and had to overcome growing up in the south before civil rights.  His children harbor no grudges towards anyone for this.  My dad raised two accomplished girls that survived our childhood ordeals and also each raised daughters that are really terrific kids also. 

Bless you Pop-pop and Grandpa B!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Heylia's Back!

For all of you Weeds fans- great news Heylia's back.  I was watching Weed's with my daughter last night and right before the show started I said- wouldn't it be great if they bring back Conrad and Heylia? Last weeks episode showed a side splitting dark comedy moment when an unknown Afghanistan pot grower was blown up by his jealous wife.  The point being that there wasn't going to be any supplier for a while- plus the explosion came out of nowhere, somehow that was hysterical! 

Anyway most of the people that I know that love the series Weed's haven't been as happy with the whole Mexican drug lord storyline.  I think everyone was just missing the dynamic between Heylia and Conrad and Nancy.  Well at least we know that Heylia is back!   Dean was also with Heylia so maybe Celia will be back soon.  We all miss hating Celia too!

I just want to send a shout out to the writers of Weeds.  I think that Doug and Andy are fantastic comic sidekicks.  I like that every season has a new dynamic.  They are definitely not glamorizing the world of drug dealing.  They have highs and then dynamic tragedy and somehow they make it all funny.  Cheers to the Weeds cast.  I would say they are my second favorite comedy of all time.  I have to give first place to Seinfeld, since they had to be on the network and they made it funny without the use of foul language and sex.

Favorite weeds moment- Uncle Andy explaining masturbation to young Shane in the first season- it is a classic!

Best Comedies of all time:
1. Seinfeld
2. Weeds
3. Archie Bunker- All in the family
5. Curb your Enthusiam

Best Dramas of all time:
2. Dexter
3. Mad Men

Monday, July 25, 2011

Curb is Back!

I am a big Larry David fan.  I loved Seinfeld before it really caught on and I still think it was the funniest show of all time.  Curb your Enthusiasm is also a great show.  I was really excited it was finally back on HBO.  The first show was disappointing- as my sister said- the dialog was a bit forced.  The second show was funny- it had Richard Lewis and was back to the regular standards.  Last night's show was extremely amusing.  Susie was back and she is my favorite.  Her daughter stole the show.  The Palestinian-Jewish feud was a really clever story-line.  Calling Larry the social assassin was genius!

I wish actual Israeli-Palestinian talks could be influenced by the David method of diplomacy.  They could use a little humor over there.  Will there ever be a solution?  The answer is no.  When both sides think they are absolutely right, there will never be a peace agreement.  This same concept can be applied to our government.  Both the democrats and the republicans will not budge and all that happens is that nothing gets accomplished.  President Obama call in the "social assassin" and maybe Boehner,  Pelosi, Cantor and Reid will remove the sticks from their asses and agree on something!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


I just got back from a visit to the Jersey Shore.  This means spending time with my egg donor. As I have previously referenced my mother, you are all aware that she can be an interesting character.  I have learned that a visit must be limited to 3-4 days.  She can "behave" somewhat, with a few snarky comments here and there.  After 4 days all hell will break loose. 

During the good old days, when I was a child,the common treatment for schizophrenia was electric shock treatment.  I believe that my mother has undergone this 20+ times.  The result was a zombie-like persona that had no ability to lash out for at least 2-3 months. One of the therapists must have suggested that she write a daily log of her activities, since she couldn't remember much. This resulted in "the book".  This daily log has been done ever since I can remember and has always been left out for all to view in the kitchen.  Since acknowledging our contributions are pretty much only ever done in writing and never out loud- the goal of any stay at my mother's house is to be mentioned in the book. 

My brother-in-law has had a good run lately.  I believe during the weekend of the 4th he made the book on 3 separate occasions. Basically, in order to make the book you have to do a chore that improves the quality of life for my mother.  Just coming to visit is not book-worthy.  You must answer the Janet  Jackson question- "What have you done for me lately!" Unfortunately for my brother-in -law, he did not make the book when I was there.  Poor guy cut the tree branches from the neighbors trees, hedged the grass and fixed the lawn around the newly dug city water meter. He did not make the book.  Absolute defeat! I took everyone out to dinner and made the book.  No sweat necessary.  I have learned my lesson from previous visits.

Albert Einstein said- the definition of insanity is: repeating the same behavior and expecting a different result.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The summer of the "DL"

Well- today is the big day.  My 21 year old just got her driver's licence. Hallelujah!  I learned what the hand rail above the the passenger seat in your vehicle is used for this summer!  I generally use the two in the back seat for hanging dry cleaning.  The one up front is for parents that are teaching their kids to drive and for trying to hang on for dear life while also trying not to appear to have any fear!  The first two weeks of driving lessons were very tense.  I have a beautiful, smart, creative daughter-but common sense and basic sense of  direction is not part of her normal persona. 

If you wonder, why is she just getting her license now and she is already 21-good question.  We did get her the permit when she was younger.  We did practice driving then.  But the primary reason that WE did this was because I made her.  The problem is that she has no reason to learn.  She takes a bus everywhere at college and has no need to get a licence.  Hopefully for her last year of college she will take the car and live in an apartment instead of a dorm and try to be an adult.  Have I babied her?  absolutely!  It is totally my fault.  I am always trying to make her life so much better than mine was that I unfortunately made it too Kooshy!  I hope I haven't ruined her by making her life easy.  Time will tell-but I have a feeling she will become a wonderful young artist and although this summer has been full of internal strive for me ( actually both of us).  It was worth it!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I recently had the opportunity to go to the U2 extravaganza in Philadelphia.  The makeup concert from 2 years ago- the 360 tour.  The tickets were an early birthday present form my sister and it was the best concert EVER!  I think there were 70,000 people there.  The stage could be seen from all sides of Lincoln Financial field.  there was a circular LED screen that towered over the stage and the digital images and camera work made it certain that everyone could have a great view of the band.

My favorite part was when Gabrielle Gifford's husband got on the screen and introduced the song "Beautiful Day" from up in the space shuttle.  That was really special. My daughter got the whole concert experience because we were siting close by a girl that threw up and an obnoxious guy that smoked a joint and practically had intercourse with his girlfriend after starting a verbal battle with the guy next to him.  Those two were not in the same group by the way.  We truly had a great time and we laughed at the A-holes next to us and just focused on the show! 

The concert tickets my sister gave us was one of the best birthday presents ever.  My very best present ever was when she  threw me a party for my 21st birthday (back in the dark ages).  It was a complete and total surprise. I mean- I was about to cry because no one at college had remembered or mentioned my birthday and I was feeling very sad. One of my friends offered to take me out for a drink at the last minute and brought me over to the party.  I had the greatest time and even did a beer bong.  That is when you hold a huge funnel up and fill it beer and you have to suck it down in one swallow.  Good times!  So I did sow the wild oats in my younger days.  I guess Karma is a bitch!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Chat with Momma T: Way to go Carson K.

I was watching "Watch What Happens Live" last night and I must say Carson Kressley was in rare form. My daughter and I got a real belly laugh when he was commenting to a 67 year old caller from La. He couldn't understand her accent and said he needed a translator. That was great comic timing! He also didn't miss an opportunity to insult ( whether intentionally or unintentionally) Alex McCord and her husband Simon. Way to go Carson! I am over the whole New York housewife drama. I think Alex and Simon are pathetic in their attempts for more camera time. I was really sick of Sonja's pathetic attempts at the beginning of the season and now Alex and Simon have replaced her as the most pathetic!

In other news- I saw that Rupert Murdoch's newspaper in London was forced to go out of business due to a hacking scandal. I think this just proves what I was talking about yesterday. "By any means possible" is a common force in unethical decision making of many rich and poorer people. I can not believe that the reporters were getting into email accounts and listening to voice mail messages. Shame on all of you!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

By Any Means Possible

Chat with Momma T: By Any Means Possible

I wanted to make a comment on the cheating scandal in the Atlanta school system. I was watching Good Morning America yesterday morning and the ticker at the bottom of the screen said something like 200 school officials and teachers have been arrested for cheating in the past year. I just felt a little twinge of anger and feel compelled to respond.

It is really difficult to be a successful teacher and there are so many dedicated teachers out there. What this does is to forever stamp Atlanta with a negative mark. Why did this happen? Well, what I am going say here is controversial but in my experience accurate. I previously worked at a school that was able to bolster their test scores by cheating. They got the test a week ahead of time and went over the questions in "study sessions". I refused to participate in these activities and applied for a transfer to another school. Everything has always been very much on the up and up at the school I work at now.

How do you get to a point where this -by any means possible - attitude happens? The cheating that I mentioned previously happened before the No Child Left Behind Act. So that can't be the only reason. There is definitely too much pressure on educators to show test score improvement. I also strongly believe that some educators don't really believe that this is cheating. I can guaranteed that if we went back 15 years to my old faculty and interviewed the teachers and administrators involved that they would be surprised to hear that they may have been implicated in a cheating scandal. It is not something I completely understand, but I witness this on a continuous basis since I work with a varied segment of our population. Typically students from lower income homes and also very wealthy homes seem to have a totally different moral compass. For example- if something, such as an Ipod, is out in the open and they need it- it is free for the taking. If they are taking a test and they can text and look up answers-so be it!

I actually took a chemistry class for my master's program in the late 1980's and some of the Atlanta school system teachers in there cheated on tests. I was pretty horrified,because it was very flagrant. They didn't understand why they couldn't work together on the test when the professor left them alone the whole exam period. Does this just represent a difference in social class or culture? I still don't understand and I am old now! Let me know what you think! Link: http://chatwithmommat.blogspot.com/2011/06/chat-with-momma-t.html?spref=bl
10:30:00 AMby Momma T

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

the Anthony verdict

Was I shocked by the Anthony verdict yesterday?  Absolutely not.  Personally I have been called for jury duty six times and have served on three trial juries.  The jury that I did not get picked for last month was a case against a doctor that was accused of Medicare fraud.  I sat in the "Voir dire" for over six hours while the potential jurors were questioned about their occupations, depth of knowledge of computer programs and medical backgrounds.  I was in the back, so I was pretty sure I was not going to be selected.  When the jury was finally picked, not one person with any background smarts was selected.  Most of the people had blue collar jobs and no college education. My point is- juries are picked by lawyers.  The state has the burden of paying for expensive tests to prove guilt.  The state can't always spend a lot of money on jury anyalsis. selecting just the right jury is the key to a criminal trial. 

Every judge always is very positive and thanks the potential jurors for taking their time to serve and makes a point to say that -although our system is flawed- we still have the best system in the world. I mean some countries make You prove your innocence.  Other countries have no trials- just a judge and  public stonings.
Two things put a damper on a fair trial- money and the media.   

I am upset that Casey Anthony was declared not guilty.  I do not blame the jury. I think that our society expects perfection from the police and prosecution.  TV shows like CSI make people think that every case should have tons of DNA evidence and "magical" science answers.   Casey Anthony was obviously an unfit mother and must have some deep- rooted dark issues.  Any mother accused of murder that doesn't have the guts to get up and present her own side of the story must have some serious mental issues. Her family was put through the media wringer. Casey will forever be OJ'ed.  She will have a free life but never be totally free.   Her family relationship with her parents and siblings will always be damaged. She will probably make a lot of money on movie and book deals. Remember people- you can choose not to read her book or watch her movie.  Make a statement and don't support her at all.