The governor's race in Georgia is in full swing. Jason Carter is young and has a likable demeanor. Nathan Deal hasn't really been able to find anything negative to say about him so now he has made two ads that make fun of his young age- using a ten year old trying to shoot a basketball and not making it in the net to compare Jason's young age to not being able to make a basket without cheating his way and lowering the height of the net. The other commercial makes fun of his "gift of gab". Jason Carter has made commercials that state the true facts that have happened during the Deal governorship and he comes off as a caring, truthful young man. The Deal commercial puts animated stars on Jason's teeth to make him seem like a charlatan. I have been disgusted by Deals underhanded tactics. Jason deal could bring out the pictures of Snowmagageddon 2014. That was an example of not preparing for a rare during the workday snowstorm, where many people were trapped on the highway coming home from work. Remember that?
When I think of Nathan Deal and his governorship, I basically think of nothing. He really didn't do anything that helped the regular citizen. His health care plan for state workers sucked. He took down the toll plaza on 400- about 5 years too late on that one. He encouraged more film makers to come to Georgia by keeping the taxes low on their productions. Meanwhile I spent about $4000 in taxes on the purchase of my car. I leased and then bought my car, so I got shafted. Our property taxes, medical coverage, student loan payments have us strapped-but thank goodness we are home to Dumb and Dumber 2!
I hope the regular folks will get out and vote November 4th! We need to put Jason Carter, Michele Nunn and the other Democrats into office. Show this country that there are some people in the deep south that care for the regular citizen.