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Sunday, September 9, 2012

Why I hate Dekalb county- Part 2

It has been about a year since my last rant on my employer. Has anything changed? Yes-but not in a positive way. We had a summer of childish fighting at the school board, Quite honestly it was better than watching NeNe or Sheree tugging at Kim's wig. (Real Housewive's). The problem is that this isn't Bravo TV- which is something you all know I love to watch for fun. This is true reality. This is our kid's lives here.

We have no textbooks to hand out anymore. The students are issued a website to go to the book online. Does every household have the internet?

I am currently making a salary that is less than what I made ten years ago. It is tough to be at the age of retirement and really not being able to afford to retire. I have worked over thirty years for this county. I have seen this school system go from being truly "Premire" in the state to being a laughable embarrassment.

We need more than five teachers to replace either retired teachers or overenrollment and the classes have been taught by substitutes for the last four weeks. In one case there was a willing science teacher that thought he was going to get hired during pre- planning and they still haven't hired him.

When you go to the website to look for posted teacher positions, there aren't any postings for our school. They did hire two teachers within the last four weeks. We now have a new art and a new PE teacher! We need 2-3 science teachers, at 2-3 social studies teachers and all of our general level classes have at least 40 students in them. I know one teacher that is teaching all the students that failed, mixed in with special ed students and there is a total of 57 students on roll with 2 teachers in the room in a room built for 28 people.

Our IB and AP students may have to pay for their exams in May. No one in any authority position at the county office will discuss whether or not the funds will be available.

On a personal note, I have tried to have some of my money in savings stopped on my check, so that I will have similar liquid assets each month. My first request went in July 11th. I still haven't seen the outcome. I have contacted payroll 4 times and the last time I spoke personally to the person in charge and was rudely assured that the change had been made. No change in five pay periods!

The morale is at an all time low. Class sizes are bursting at the seams. The empathsis is in quantity instead of quality. Was saving 2 million dollars by pissing off every single person in the county really worth it?
(I think the latest report was that the budget had a 70 million short fall)