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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Make no mistake Romney is "the Man"

Mitt Romney is making a concerted effort to wear "casual" clothes like jeans and polo shirts.  His attempt to blend in and attract the middle class voters is laughable.  Somehow there is just a little too much starch in that polo shirt Mitt.

I am always mystified by voters that think that being a God-fearing servant equates to plain old American values.  This country was originally settled by people that lived in harmony with their environment.  It was later settled by IMMIGRANTS that were escaping some sort of  religious or economic oppression.  The colonists then enslaved people from Africa and stole the land from the original inhabitants in the name of financial success.  We then put many other immigrants in sweat shops and further built our way to a World superpower on the backs of our economic poor.

Today's poor and middle class may not work in sweat shops anymore, but we still make everything happen in this country.  The 20th century saw massive reform in civil rights and labor reform but I am afraid that now the reform is going to stop in the name of Christianity.  Many people equate being a good christian to being a Republican. 

Good people of America, being a good person isn't always being a Christian.  There are many great people in the world that believe in a different religion or perhaps even love someone that also has a penis.  Stop thinking that people like Mitt Romney care about the average Joe. 

If we want this country to rise to the top again we need to stop being greedy. We learned that not everyone needs a McMansion in order to be a middle class family. We need to remember that a majority of the people are the working class and they need a fair shake in order to survive.  Entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicaid, WIC, food stamps and Medicare were not suggestions of the Republican party.  The minimum wage was fought for by those now-feared labor unions.  These are ideas were primarily established by our "bleeding heart" Democrats to help level the playing field between the haves and the have-nots.

I don't believe that Mitt Romney truly cares about the economically disadvantaged.  There is nothing in his demeanor or more-importantly his platform that shows any sympathy for the real people that are in trouble from the great recession.  Don't drink the Jesus juice folks- please take this election seriously.  Mitt Romney is the Man!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Beasts of the Southern Wild

Every once in a great while you see a movie that makes you say to yourself- That is why I go to the movies!  Beasts of the Southern Wild is that movie this year.  The star is a little girl named Quvenzhane Wallis.  She is simply mesmerizing. 

The magical part of this movie is that it takes you into the world of a completely different culture of people and helps you to understand a whole different way of life.  For the first time you understand why people didn't want to be rescued during Katrina.  My favorite two lines of the movie were descriptions of the evacuation center- "It isn't a prison so much as an empty fish tank."  She also describes the patients being treated by the hospital staff as "being hooked into a wall".  This reference describes how someone who has never seen a fast food place or a supermarket would view the tubes,IV etc. being used to treat a critically ill patient in the hospital. 

This movie weaves the magical thread between reality and fantasy as seen through the eyes of a six year old child.  She was truly a beast in every positive connotation of the word!

Best Wishes to Robin

We just learned that Robin Roberts will be taking a rest for a few weeks.  Robin is someone that I admire.  She has gone through so much and kept her sense of humor and her dignity all the while being in the public eye.  She has helped get many people to sign up for the bone marrow registry.  If you want to help out- look up Be the Match and just a warning you have to donate $100 to cover the cost of your medical tests.  It is a really great way to help out others in need.  The test is simple- just a cheek swab.  Have a well-deserved rest Robin- we love ya!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Teaching Tolerance

As a supplement to my rant about Chic-Fil-A the other day, I wanted to make a comment about tolerance.  In this politically correct age-we have developed plans to educate our children about diversity and we call this teaching tolerance.  I have no problem with this-but I think we really need to broaden the word tolerance to acceptance.

Just think about it.  We tolerate babies crying on planes and other public places.  We do this because we all understand that babies can't help crying.  They communicate their uncomfortable circumstances by crying.  We tolerate this-but we don't like it. 

I personally grew up in a very isolated world. I didn't know any openly gay, African American, Hispanic or Asian people.  I went to college in Atlanta and was introduced to the world of diversity.  There were a few students that were very close- minded at my school.  I learned how much everyone just wants to be accepted.  Isn't it a shame that many of us don't understand that we are  racists or bigots  until we become friends or have family members that are gay or black and then we learn they are just like us and crave a life of acceptance.