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Friday, October 18, 2013

What exactly is a furlough day?

I am not questioning the return of back pay for government employees after the recent shutdown.  I think that the employees deserve to get their back pay.  I just wonder why when teachers or other professionals are furloughed they do not ever get their back pay.

Isn't it stupid that the government shutdown was a vacation for the employees?  I do realize that they had to wait it out and this may cause them to have a financial set back, but they are getting pay for not working. 

I looked up the definition of the word furlough and of course it means something different for the military, but it indicates temporary layoffs in the civilian workforce.

Isn't it ridiculous that the government shut down stopped people from working and then paid them back?  Think about how far behind they are at their jobs.  It is just another stupid offshoot from our elected officials. 

What can we learn from a Movie?

The Captain Phillips Movie was really terrific.  It isn't for the faint of spirit.  It is so well-done that you actually feel like you were there in the middle of the hijacking. 
The thing that impressed me was that I actually was scared and yet somewhat sympathetic at the same time.
I knew the outcome of the situation-since this actually happened in 2009. 
I almost had a confrontation with the asshole that sat behind me because he kept making derogatory comments about the hijackers.  The whole point of this movie is that we as Americans can understand the abject poverty( that western nations have created) and what it forces some people to do.  I was thinking how can you watch this movie and not understand this!
Of course I do not advocate the use of force or pirating for profit- but if you have lost your livelihood, maybe we all can at least understand the reason why the pirates did this.  It also helps we Americans understand how we are perceived by others that are a lot less fortunate than we are.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

This is the result of day 16 of the government shutdown!

Maybe I  am really suffering from cabin fever since I have a cast on my ankle and can't easily get outside.  My daughter was walking the dog yesterday and saw this sign by the community doggie waste basket.  I found it ha-lar-ious!

In case you can not read the whole message it says-  YOU UNCONSIDERATE LAZY ASS!
I guess it was to much to bend down and pick up after your big DOG!(mess) Do better next time I'm Watching!!!

Now what part of this reminds you Ted Cruz and the tea party?  Is it the exemplary grammar?  Is it the paranoid threats?  Does it make you feel better that regular people are just as big babies as Congress?

Thanks to my  neighbor for making me laugh today!  Congress supposedly made a deal while I was researching this important blog.  We will see if they finally have graduated to the kindergarten level!

Momma T