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Friday, July 3, 2015

The Donald- The Gift that keeps on Giving


I loved my father, but I didn't agree with his politics.  You know how Donald Trump just totally pissed off our immigrant population?  The statements he made about Mexicans raping women, bringing drugs into our country and how he guesses a few are nice people caused a domino effect throughout his media and retail empire. He was given numerous chances to clarify and take back his statements and he stood his ground.  My father loved the Trump.  He frequented his casinos and even had the chance to shake hands with him.  I would like to think that he might have changed his mind about him after all the crap he said last week, but I am afraid he would have hung in there like the rest of the republicans polled that have put the Trumpster in second place out of the twelve or so candidates running for President.

Seriously folks- President.  He is super entertaining, but would he really be your top choice for the person that holds his finger on our nuclear arsenal?  My father hated Hillary also.  He had a whole drawer of anti- Hillary articles cut from various newspapers. I have read her book and I like her politics, but I have misgivings about her truthfulness at times.  I am not sure about her yet and she has never insulted any ethnic group in a speech, as far as I am aware of.

And by the way- Trumpster- didn't I keep it classy and pick one of your best photos?  There were so many other choices.

Sumatran Orangutan | Audubon Nature Institute

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Southern Charm

  Countering the Confederates | Street Talk | Style Weekly ...

So yesterday we left our big city and ventured fifty miles out to pick blackberries. Of course we came upon an SUV with the college flag holders carrying confederate flags.  I thought to myself, would that cracker have the guts to drive around Atlanta like that?

I just found this image on google and loved it.  Rednecks- can't you just make like Frozen and Let it Go?