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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Wake up folks- Climate change is for real

You may not remember this TV miniseries, but I do.  I started teaching in the 80's and I heard Al Gore talk about global warming.  I have been discussing this in my science classes since the early 1980's.  After I had my daughter in 1990, my grandmother was visiting during the summer and we watched this mini series.  She was disgusted by all the doom and gloom and was adamant that I stop watching all that crap.  The truth is that even though this series presented an America that may be 50-100 years away- a lot of what they were depicting has already happened.
I just watched a segment of the documentary show called Vice (HBO).  They were interviewing people from Venice, Italy and the former President of the Maldives (Islands) in the Indian ocean.  And news flash- they are all flooded and sinking. A friend of mine went to Italy last year and she was horrified by the emptiness in Venice.  Now some folks might say- that is what you get for building a city in an area below sea level, but just think about all the people on this planet that live near the coast. All of this people- perhaps one billion will soon be affected by the rising oceans.
I wish that we had taken a proactive approach when global climate change was first introduced to the masses.  We unfortunately are still fighting the doubters.  We have wasted a lot of time and most importantly burned way too much fossil fuel.  We have missed the opportunity to teach up and coming nations such as China how to switch to cleaner fuels.  China has now surpassed the US in the amount of carbon emissions.  They have over four times the population of the United States on about the same amount of land.  We could have developed better and cleaner fuel technology in the 1970's during the oil embargo, but the oil started flowing soon after and the cost went down and we lost our need and passion for the environment.
I remember a  scene from the fire next time where there was a huge hurricane hitting the gulf coast and people were being evacuated for good. What is it going to take to wake us all up?
Check out this week's installment of Vice on HBO.  Watch the Day after Tomorrow some time.  Think about how you can reduce your carbon footprint. Someday we may not be able to all have our own car.  Someday there may be more than miniature golf and fun at the shore. Someday there may be difficulty obtaining fresh water.
Remember- "We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from out grandchildren"-  Chief Settle
Last week our planet hit a Carbon dioxide level of 400 ppm.  This is the highest level that carbon dioxide has been at since the inception of humanity.  Now some people may think that this is 6000 years ago, but most scientists agree that humans have been on planet earth as Homo sapiens for 100,000 years.  Think about that one!



I will give my sincere so long to the "Queen".  Michelle has announced that she will not run for re-election next November.  There is not one political point that she and I agree upon.  I was watching Real Time last night and Bill Mahr made a good point.  She may be leaving, but there are probably 20 people in waiting that are even more bat shit crazy than her.  This is what happened the last time in the mid-term elections, when complacency lead to the crazy tea party taking over the House.

Please don't let this happen again.  Just this week some lunatic sent ricin through the mail to Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama over gun control, some crazy gun nut shot a bus driver in Alabama- and kidnapped a child under the delusion that the government was going to take away his guns.  Shouldn't this be a wake up call? 

These bat shit crazy leaders, like our dear Michelle above, have way too much power already.  Listen idiots.  Just the fact that you were able to get a gun, get on a school bus and terrorize children and shoot the driver (who stepped in front of a child to take the bullet for them)is a perfect pitch for support of the law (that 90% of the population endorses) that calls for better background checks.

Michelle- don't worry, I have no fear that you will have a new successor that will carry on your legacy of tea baggership.  I just wish that some of the democrats in Congress could have the kahunas that you have.  Did you steal them from your husband?  One of the real problems with our country right now is not the extreme right, it is the lack of passion in the left. It is impossible to get anything done in Congress because of the fractures within the democratic party.