Was I shocked by the Anthony verdict yesterday? Absolutely not. Personally I have been called for jury duty six times and have served on three trial juries. The jury that I did not get picked for last month was a case against a doctor that was accused of Medicare fraud. I sat in the "Voir dire" for over six hours while the potential jurors were questioned about their occupations, depth of knowledge of computer programs and medical backgrounds. I was in the back, so I was pretty sure I was not going to be selected. When the jury was finally picked, not one person with any background smarts was selected. Most of the people had blue collar jobs and no college education. My point is- juries are picked by lawyers. The state has the burden of paying for expensive tests to prove guilt. The state can't always spend a lot of money on jury anyalsis. selecting just the right jury is the key to a criminal trial.
Every judge always is very positive and thanks the potential jurors for taking their time to serve and makes a point to say that -although our system is flawed- we still have the best system in the world. I mean some countries make You prove your innocence. Other countries have no trials- just a judge and public stonings.
Two things put a damper on a fair trial- money and the media.
I am upset that Casey Anthony was declared not guilty. I do not blame the jury. I think that our society expects perfection from the police and prosecution. TV shows like CSI make people think that every case should have tons of DNA evidence and "magical" science answers. Casey Anthony was obviously an unfit mother and must have some deep- rooted dark issues. Any mother accused of murder that doesn't have the guts to get up and present her own side of the story must have some serious mental issues. Her family was put through the media wringer. Casey will forever be OJ'ed. She will have a free life but never be totally free. Her family relationship with her parents and siblings will always be damaged. She will probably make a lot of money on movie and book deals. Remember people- you can choose not to read her book or watch her movie. Make a statement and don't support her at all.
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