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Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Tea Party's Last Stand

The Kingdom of Wasilla 2060

Hi- my name is Rogue Arnold.  My fathers family has lived in North America since before the revolutionary war.  ( That is the war where Paul Revere warned the British about our kick ass revolutionists and their tea party rebellion).  Yes, my great, great grandmother was the magnificent Sarah Palin. Fortunately she kept her compound here in Wasilla, because her home in Arizona is now long gone.  In fact there is no "lower 48" anymore. 
Great Grandma Bristol  used to say "when one door closes another one opens".  This is what happened to America.
The weather got very hot, all the crops were destroyed and then all the light skinned people developed skin cancer.  Fortunately, there was no more worry about the illegals crossing the border.
Life became very difficult and the remaining refugees tried to migrate to what used to called Canada.
There are no more countries anymore.  All towns are ruled by monarchs.  The kingdom of Wasilla is ruled by papa Trip. We have the last remaining fresh water supply due to the melting of the glaciers. Our weather is a dependable 75 degrees each day. 
Well- I have to run.  If I stay outside for more than five minutes the skin cancer will get me!

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