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Sunday, August 14, 2011

Missing Oprah

I sat and watched a marathon of Oprah- Behind the Scenes today and I realized how much I miss my bud- the big O.  I have watched Oprah since the 80's.  She is my hero.  I love her spiritual energy.  I have always admired her because she is genuine. 

I was asked by someone on the yearbook staff in 1989- who is the person you most admire?  I replied Oprah Winfrey.  They were startled, because she was not quite as well- known at that time but I think I hit the nail on the head.  Oprah taught me how to forgive myself.  She taught me it is OK to be who I am even though I am a fa-thlete ( Fat Athlete).  She taught me to understand how it felt to be a child of abuse and how to live with it.  She taught me to be a better person!

Phil Donahue actually was the first person to help me to recognize that my family situation was not just unique to us.  He had shows on schizophrenia and coping with a family member with a mental disorder and he really helped me out of my teenage misery and isolation.

 I am also upset that the Oprah show reruns were not played this summer.  I never could get home in time to watch Oprah at 4 pm, so I was counting on catching up this summer.  No such luck!  I guess I could set my DVR to record but I can't even text so that is just out of the question.

Oprah I miss you!  Best wishes on your next endeavors.  Thanks for being my bud for the past 25 years! Momma T

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