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Thursday, November 1, 2012


I grew up on Long Beach Island in NJ.  I remember hurricanes. We used to have at least one per year when I was in high school.  Sandy only registered a 1 on the hurricane scale, but she packed a punch. This beach is now gone.  The rocks on the jetty are God knows where and who knows when things will ever be back to "normal".

I love this picture because it has my Daddy in it.  He passed away four years ago and I miss him.  He would be devastated by this week's events. He was a terrific role model. He worked diligently at m high school.  He was a guidance counselor and he really cared about the students.  He helped a whole generation of students pick the right college.  He was knowledgeable, he ran the SAT tests and he made certain that everyone had a schedule in the age prior to computers.  He arranged the schedules for every student at Southern Regional High School (over 2000) by hand.

I have worked as a teacher for the past 31 years in Dekalb county Georgia and I have only met one counselor that even came close to my Dad.

I am sorry that I strayed from my original point.  I really wanted to thank the people in charge of LBI for having the foresight to turn off the gas and to have mandatory evacuations. They saved a lot of human lives.  The island can be rebuilt.  When I was two we had the only storm that came close to Sandy. The storm of 62 wasn't a hurricane and it devastated the island.  I grew up knowing several kids that had lost their dads in this storm.   Their dads were policemen or firemen and they lost their lives trying to save the others that tried to weather the storm.  I don't remember that storm, but I do remember my dad bought our house because it was on a street that didn't flood in 1962.  Good thing he didn't have to be around to see a storm that was actually worse.

If you read this, please consider donating to the Red Cross Relief Fund. There is not much we can do to help physically.  The causeway bridge is closed and who knows when cars will be allowed on the island.  At least your money will be channeled directly to shelters and people who really need it.

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