I am an avid CBS Sunday Morning watcher. Yes- the undercurrent here is that I don't attend church on Sunday morning,which I am certain is bothering many of the judgemental Christians out there. Sorry I really enjoy learning about artists, writers, children who are geniuses and hearing commentaries from Ben Stein, Mo Rocca, Bill Geist and especially Nancy Giles. I agree with Ben Stein about 50% of the time-but I always agree with Nancy's comments.
Today Nancy discussed the hypocrisy in politics. Good Old Newt- out Georgia Peach of a dude- is the toast of the Republican Party this week. He really socked it to that CNN commentator at his debate. The truth is that he preaches one way of living but he practices another and Nancy brought that to our attention again. She pointed out all the politicians that are hypocritical such as President Clinton, Anthony Wiener and John Edwards. She even brought up our old friend Eddie Long- the preacher who has long preacher the anti- gay way of life while all along he was the biggest hypocrite of all. By the way- if Nancy was trying to take sides then why would she as part of the "Liberal media" also be mentioning past democrats and their philandering escapades?
The point here is not that having an affair has anything to do with whether or not you are a good candidate for office. But when you put yourself out there as a overtly moral candidate and you have not practiced what you have preached then you deserve to have this brought to the attention of the public. In my opinion, Newt Gingrich has always demonstrated the epitome of hypocrisy. He tried to impeach President Clinton for philandering while he was doing the same thing. He wasn't some small fish at the time- he was speaker of the house. Personally I don't care that Newt has had three marriages. I just have never been able to stomach his incredibly huge ego. I also think he is one of the smartest candidates running for president. I will give him that.
If you ever want to learn anything from watching TV- try watching Sunday morning or 60 minutes. I always feel like I have learned something new after watching these programs. Today they showed a small story about a high school student that came up with an idea to use nano particles to treat cancer. Believe me- after some of the crap I have to deal with in the classroom- that is one uplifting story!
PS.- The funniest bumper sticker I have have ever seen was in in 1997 in Atlanta- It said -Nuck Fewt!
I had a big belly laugh over that one!
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